Welcome to TroyPendleton.com!
Here I will be showcasing all of my books, blogs, and whatever else I find myself into. I also have some novelty merchandise on the Pendleton Goodies page for you to purchase if you would like. Thanks for stopping by please feel free to browse around and even contact me.

A little bit about me!

As a child, I was never bored. While other kids complained of having nothing to do, I was constantly entertained by my overactive imagination. Everywhere I looked I saw exciting adventures, to be discovered. My friends and I would not only play war but we often acted out our favorite TV shows and movies. Among these were Airwolf, V, Star Wars, and Indiana Jones. In 6th grade, a teacher named Mrs. Scott wanted us to write a scary short story for Halloween. This was a writing contest and the winners from each class would get their stories published in the local paper. Writing one of my stories down wasn’t something that I had ever thought of doing. So, for the first time, I used my wild imagination to write a story about my best friend and me encountering a vampire in a cemetery. I turned it in, with a little bit of pride but didn’t think too much of it. To my surprise, I won the contest. Mrs. Scott loved my story and encouraged me to keep writing. It was the first time in my life, I felt like I had done something to be proud of. I dabbled at it for a while but without someone to keep me motivated, I soon stopped.
In my early twenties, now a father and no longer burning up the roads with my friends, I found that my overactive imagination was still there. Since I always had a great love of superheroes, that is what I focused on. I started creating comic book characters and writing backstories for them. My kids loved hearing all about them and the powers that they had. I continued this for years, hoping to see them published, but after almost two decades, it never happened. By this point, I was starting to give serious consideration to writing books. This was due partly to the ability to self-publish and several friends suggesting it might be less complex than creating a comic book. One day I was talking to a friend and telling him all about the characters. He thought I had great ideas but superheroes weren’t his thing. Luckily, I had other ideas that weren’t comic book-related. I pitched those to him and we decided to co-author a book. That team up, along with another continued for three books. After that, my co-authors found themselves with busy lives and not much free time to write, so I continued solo. It’s been challenging on my own but even more rewarding when I see those 5-star reviews and know that someone enjoyed it. I love creating stories and my brain never shuts off. I plan to continue writing and creating new stories and characters. I also hope that someday I can help others with their dreams of becoming published authors.