I recently watched the first episode of “Tracker” on CBS and Paramount+. My first thought when it came on was that I really liked the main character and the actor (Justine Hartley) who plays him. I have been a fan of his since his days on Smallville as Green Arrow. The first episode was not bad. Justin did a good job and the story was solid. His character is likable and has a mission in life, which also pays him well. The problem I had with the show was the DEI supporting cast that was put in place. Right off the bat, you can tell that no one else in the show got their jobs because they were the best actor/actress for the job. Most of them can’t act and got their job because they checked the right boxes. I have seen them before on other shows and they should not be in front of a camera pretending to be someone else. I am not sure what multiverse this show is taking place in but it’s not anything like the real world. Time will tell but I believe that the horrible supporting cast will kill this show unless some changes are made. Let me know what you think.
Good TV shows are hard to find!
Good TV shows are hard to find!
More and more I find myself re-watching TV shows that have long since ended. One of these shows, which I have watched about 8 episodes in the last week, is The Mentalist. I noticed it on Prime a little over a week ago and it has pretty much been the only thing I have watched since. It is such a great show and has a fantastic cast. The main star of the show is Simon Baker, who also stared in a show call The Guardian. Maybe I will write up something about that show sometime as well, it’s another great one. The Mentalist is about a man name Patrick Jane who loses his wife and daughter at the hands of a serial killer named Red John. A lot of back story revolves around catching him, but each episode has its own story and plot. Cast is made up of characters you can believe are real. Each having their own strengths and weaknesses. Each having a role to play. The acting is top-notch and the chemistry is some of the best I have ever seen on a show. The only one I can think of, off the top of my head, that would match it is JAG. The episodes are well written and thought out. They are not always hard to figure out, but there are some surprises along the way. It has smooth camera work and not a lot of jumping around and quick takes to make it look edgy or complex. I really just can’t say enough good stuff about it.
As I was watching the first few episodes it dawned on me that there really isn’t much out there like it anymore. Each character is well written and has their own style and characteristics. It was women on the show that really stood out when you compare them to today’s female characters. They are nothing alike on the show, other than both being cops. They all have ranges of emotion and handle themselves like women in the real world. nowadays, every woman is written the same way. Five foot three, one hundred and twenty pounds of tough chick. Don’t get me wrong, that works sometimes but not in shows that are supposed to be realistic. Most people, women and men, in the real world know their limitations. Not the women in shows of today. These women have no limitations and no flaws. They can do no wrong and are “unstoppable”. There is nothing worse than a show full of loud mouth, bossy, tough chicks that look like they would fall down if the wind blew hard. There is nothing appealing about it and in fact I would say it’s a smack in the face to women. Most women don’t act like that. They know there is a lot more to a person than something so one dimensional. How much fun is a story there the person can’t lose or is flawless? Even in the old school action movies, the heroes were flawed. Most of the time they had lots of flaws and the only thing they were good at was this one thing they needed for the movie.
This is all caused by lazy writers that are more interested in their agenda than telling a good story. They start with bad characters who they know nothing about other than their “oppression” type (gay, female, ethnic…etc.) and then go about writing a story that speaks out about that so-called oppression. This makes for bad stories and even worse characters with no depth or personality. It makes someone like me, who has always loved TV shows and movies, not want to even watch it anymore or at the very least not watch anything new. You just get tired of the same lame characters and the same BS story lines.
- White people are bad.
- Men are bad.
- Orange man bad.
- Any life style you have is normal and everyone should accept it.
- Women can do anything a man can do.
- Women don’t need a man.
- Everyone is oppressed.
These few things cover just about everything on TV now, and I am fed up with it. They have ruined several shows on Netflix that had great first seasons with good stories and characters with a crappy second season with terrible stories and characters. It’s as if they can’t help themselves.
This brings me back to my opening point, which I find myself watching more and more older shows. Maybe that’s what it will take for these companies to catch on that they are putting out garbage. If everyone stopped watching the new stuff and tuned in to old shows, they would see people don’t want this crap. If you do, make sure you check out The Mentalist on Prime. The show is funny, dramatic and just well put together. You’ll be glad you did.
One last thing, if you find a new show that doesn’t have all the SWJ stupidity, leave me a comment and let me know so I can check it out.
Lost in Space: Season 2
Over my short Christmas break I got a chance to watch the second season of Lost in Space. Much like the first season, it was generally pretty good. The writing was a little lack luster on some of the episodes but overall not bad. I like the characters in this show and think they spend an equal amount of time building them and giving them all heroic actions. While this does become tiresome at times becomes in some episodes, the dangerous life altering scenes run right into each other and you don’t get a break from it. That’s great when you are making a two-hour movie but, in a series, you have to space this stuff out. There is no tension or belief of real danger is every second on the screen is life ending danger that doesn’t result in lives ending. The major downside to this show is the purposely added female agenda. It’s subtle but it’s there in abundance. To be fair, I think the writers are trying to be balanced but their version of balance is having a couple of good male characters and a lot of “strong female” characters. Will Robinson is the only male character that gets a real fair treatment in this show. The father is done well about 75% of the time though he does play second fiddle to the mother most of the time. The other male characters are either weak “soy-boys” or mean villain type characters. Over all though the show is watchable and if you ignore the subtle woke stuff, it’s not a bad show. Its action packed and the story movies along with each episode building on the last. You grow to care about the characters as you watch and the actors have great chemistry. Over all the show is worth watching, though I wish they would drop the agenda and just stick with good story telling. Give it a watch and see what you think.
The Expanse Season 4
Seasons 1-3 were good, but I have to say that each one was a little less good than the one before it. By Season 4 they have reached a point where it is becoming too blotted. There are just too many story lines and to be honest some of them are just boring and obvious political statements. I don’t care about the election of the new UNN head. It had no bearing on the story other than to supply another role for “Female Empowerment”, as if there wasn’t enough of that already. It’s a good show with a good cast but if they don’t stop with the boring side stories and the political statements, they will ruin it. There were already a few episodes in the last two seasons that were just hard to watch and I fear that season 5 will be worse. They need to stop making all the leaders women. Stop making all the “smart people” women. Women make up a small fraction of engineers and mechanics in real life, but in this show they are about 80% of them. I wonder sometimes if Hollywood writers just don’t get that they overdue everything. They get a JSW thought in their head and they just keep going and going until it is so over done that it makes shows and movies unwatchable. With The Expanse every new character seems to be a woman, unless it’s a villain, all those are men of course. This show would be so much better if they would just stop worrying about the gender of the character and just write good characters.
With all that said, I still like this show. The four main character and very likable and work great together. Their story lines and screen time make the show worth watching. After season 3 I was hoping Bobby would stay with them, her and Amos would have made a great due of brute force again the crew’s enemies. That didn’t happen, but Bobby is still around, so it could at some point. Jim is very human and fallible, which gives him depth and likability. Not ever choose he makes is going to be the right one, but he is always quick to see when he screwed up and owns it. Naomie, who started this series as a kind of loud mouth blowhard has developed well and has become a great XO for the ship. Alex, who had up to season 3 seemed flawless, showed that he is not, and it makes you like him a little less, but in a good way, if that make sense. Amos shined this season, and he is no longer Naomie’s lapdog. His loyalty is now 100% his captain’s and you learn so much about who he is and why he is the perfect man for his job. It’s even made him more likable. In the end I have grown to like some other characters more and some of them less and it gave me a new balance and enjoyment of the show. To be honest, it’s that simple fact he helps me see past the silly JSW stuff they shoe horn in. All in all, if you are riding the fence on whether to watch season 4 or to even start watching the series I would tell you yes, watch it. I would also tell you to just hold your nose through the PC stuff and enjoy the main cast.